Thankful Sign


I wanted to make a cute sign that I would be able to put out for Thanksgiving, and for Fall in general.  I saw this pin, and it looked pretty easy.  This is how I did it, but I am sure you could figure out some other ways to do it as well.  I made mine with some friends, so we shared in the overall costs in materials, so it made the board cost me only a few bucks.


IMG_6503 (700x467)

12″ x 12″ x 2″ piece of wood (about $1.50)

Vinyl letters or stencil and paint ($1.25)

brown paint

Raffia or other embellishments


Sand down edges of board if needed.

IMG_6504 (700x464)

Paint board brown, or other desired color.

IMG_6506 (463x700)

Apply vinyl letters.  Add embellishments.  Super easy!!  Even better when you can enlist a friend that has a vinyl cutter!!

Categories: Home

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